How Do I Reduce My AWS Costs? Optimizing Architecture

How Do I Reduce My AWS Costs? Optimizing Architecture

Cloud cost management requires unique expertise in the realm of cloud architecture, and often cloud teams either don't have the skills on staff or are too busy to focus on the technical and operational processes necessary to control and reduce costs. This issue, coupled with complex billing and lack of visibility into spending trends can result in sprawled workloads, stalled migrations and eroded confidence in cloud strategies.

AWS re:Invent 2020 Recap

AWS re:Invent 2020 Recap

From the dozens of new announcements at 2020's AWS re:Invent, by far the two categories with the most announcements have been in the areas of compute and machine learning. While attempting to summarize those here would not do them justice, I'd like to highlight three of the most interesting and eye-popping ones as we begin 2021.