Jeff Ton, of InterVision, walks through, not only how David Schacht, SVP and CIO at Simon, established such a a strong IT culture around core business needs and values, but how he navigates the balance of upholding these principles while also staying in front of new technologies.

Anita Nielsen, a Top Sales Performance Consultant, joins Jeff Ton, InterVision’s SVP Product Development and Strategic Alliances, to unpack what it means to be a partner, how to identify potential partners and most importantly, how to drive value together.

John Rouda, IT Director at INSP, LLC, and Jeff Ton, of InterVision dive into their worst (or best) bad boss stories; what they learned and how every boss – the good and the bad – shaped them as leaders today.

Doug Theis, Founder of IT Leaders Indianapolis and Jeff Ton, Founder of Indy CIO Network sit down to discuss the importance of a strong IT Community for today’s IT Leaders.

Some IT departments are strapped for resources and may be tempted to take shortcuts in implementing and managing their IT disaster recovery plans – which puts companies at major risk. To prevent making these mistakes yourself, it’s important to learn from others’ failures.

Tim Crawford, Strategic CIO and Advisor at AVOA, sits down with Jeff Ton, of InterVision, to discuss a variety of topics; everything from the virtues of social media to breaking down barriers through podcasting and even Tim’s experience as an expert witness. 

Once in the public cloud, it’s paramount to ensure ongoing security for fast deployments. But security and speed can be at odds. Read this white paper to make the most of your cloud environment.

Ali Cudby, CEO of Your Iconic Brand, talks with Jeff Ton, SVP of Product Development and Strategic Alliances, about developing a culture around customer loyalty and the value and creativity the IT team brings to architecting a seamless and memorable customer experience.

Amy Waninger, Founder & CEO of Lead at Any Level,  walks through an exercise highlighting areas where we can strengthen our network and ways to be more intentional about who we are connecting with.

InterVision Systems, an industry-leading strategic services provider, announced today their recognition as the ‘Americas Partner of the Year – West’ by Juniper Networks, an industry leader in automated, scalable and secure networks.