Webcast Series: As-a-Service at Your Service

DRaaS Series: Episode 1 As-a-Service at Your Service

This episode is part of a four-part on-demand webcast series that will provide you with valuable insights for ensuring your organization’s data are protected AND recoverable. The focus of this series is on your on-premises technology, not on your cloud-based technology. In this episode, “as-a-Service at your service” we will talk about as-a-Service strategies, including DRaaS and BaaS, and the advantages this technology brings to you.

Hosted by Jeff Ton, strategic advisor to InterVision, watch this on-demand webcast at your own pace.

PART 1 – As-a-Service at Your Service

Other episodes in the series:
EP2: Double-click into DRaaS
EP3: BaaS: Not your Grandfather’s Backup
EP4: Clear Expectations
InterVision’s Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) eases the burden of managing a recovery solution and simplifies the failover and failback process for your team. No other DRaaS provider will work as tirelessly to deliver confidence that your recovery plan will work as expected—which is why we boast the industry’s highest client satisfaction scores. Whether you want to target recovery into AWS or Azure, or into one of our own geo-diverse datacenters, we can assist in making your managed resiliency goals a reality.

InterVision is your go-to for data protection strategies leveraging cloud.

Global Outages Happen: Protect with InterVision