Traditional call centers are being replaced by more efficient, flexible, and cost-effective solutions. Enter cloud-based contact centers. These virtual platforms…

Businesses are continually exploring ways to enhance customer interactions and improve overall customer satisfaction. Two terms that frequently come up...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly become an integral part of our lives. If not already, this technology will influence everything...

With InterVision’s help, Vera now uses intelligent technology and processes to maximize efficiency while delivering exceptional experiences across all verticals.

Amy Brown, CEO of Authentix, and Michael Armstrong, VP of Product Innovation at Authentix, explain how they are setting the new standard for humanizing customer interaction data at scale.

When the COVID-19 crisis hit, people were forced home, hospitals were quickly overwhelmed, and the economy dissolved into a recession. As companies are working hard to support their employees, serve their clients and survive, IT leaders are in the forefront now more than ever.

Traditional norms were no doubt disrupted in 2020, which makes 2021 predictions a big question mark of how things will evolve. As we reflect on lessons learned from 2020, one commonality among those we saw thrive is that being prepared for the uncertain means pivoting your company toward a stance that emphasizes agility, speed and security.