5 Common Questions About Cloud Adoption

Cloud adoption has only grown in popularity these past few years as more businesses have been looking to position themselves for greater competitiveness. Executive leaders are increasingly viewing the cloud as the answer to their business challenges and so, have been asking their IT departments to embrace cloud-first strategies to integrate greater flexibility, accessibility, and scalability into the business, both for their employees and customers.

As a result, cloud adoption continues to be top of mind for just about every one of our clients. The five most common question that organizations ask are as follows:

  1. How do I start?
  2. What should I move first?
  3. How much will it cost?
  4. How do I secure it?
  5. What staff are required to run it?

The short answer for these questions is “it depends.” The simple truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all cloud adoption strategy that works for everyone. Fitness is a great analog for cloud adoption. To get fit, we must eat well and exercise. But the types of food we eat and training we undertake has many varying factors:

  • Current fitness level
  • Why you are training
  • Dietary restrictions
  • Fitness goals
  • Budget

Like fitness, you can absolutely migrate to the cloud on your own. This approach would require lots of research, time, resources, and trial-and-error to get it right. Or, just like professional athletes, you can hire a personal trainer to help you through the journey, someone who brings years of proven experience, who has done the research and built successful fitness plans and has access to the equipment required. And most importantly, someone who understands how to avoid the pitfalls that can lead to failure.

Think of a strategic service provider like InterVision as your personal trainer; helping your organization get cloud-fit by leveraging proven methods and providing expert resources, which yield the tangible results you need. Our model is flexible. We can provide everything from full-service cloud adoption (all planning and execution) to side-by-side partnership (helping your organization gain the skills and information required to adopt the cloud with fidelity). Proper planning and investment up front are in direct correlation with the success of your execution. This is a foundational element of InterVision’s Cloud Migration Lifecycle Assurance (CMLA) program: our proven methodology for helping organizations discover and define the right cloud adoption strategy that fits your constantly evolving business needs.

Our analysis enables clients to answer the five common questions with confidence and have the data and partnered experience to support it. This is critical for you as you look for your cloud adoption partner, since it’s essential to choose the right provider who has proven experience in all the layers of the platform: infrastructure, application, data, security, policy, and pipeline. Not only does InterVision understand these aspects; we understand and can navigate the factors (people, process, and tools) that dictate success, incorporating them into our methodology.

Adopting the cloud is far more complex than simply “using somebody else’s datacenter.” Cloud adoption requires organizations to fundamentally shift their model and behaviors to a consumption model rather than a Capex model. Only InterVision has the proven skills, experience, certification, and passion – all in one vendor – to help your organization successfully and strategically adopt the cloud.

Contact us to learn more. 

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