To help you navigate the shift to cloud, InterVision has detailed common pitfalls to avoid, as well as advice for success. Read this white paper to ensure a smooth migration.

InterVision and Pulse (a Gartner company) interviewed 100 IT Leaders to find out what hurdles currently impede organizations’ innovation plans. Dive in to this one-minute white paper to learn more.

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), like its cousin Backup as a Service (BaaS), provides technology to ensure business continuity, a target site and infrastructure, and the management of the process that it takes to ensure its success—all delivered to you as a service. The key for DRaaS is that the target site and infrastructure are in the cloud, rather than in a on-premises datacenter as a traditional DR solution might usually entail. The management is provided by a team of professionals who live and breathe DR and backups, which allows your IT staff to reallocate valuable time to business projects of greater daily importance.

Offloading management to a third party to address cloud skills gaps may only be a temporary need, to let staff learn a new cloud environment before taking it on in a full capacity.

For CIOs and other IT leaders who must demonstrate early cloud wins to help gain wider stakeholder buy-in needed for a full migration, Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) to AWS makes an ideal candidate for demonstrating that the cloud can be a successful driver for the business. It also encourages cloud-hesitant IT members to learn the ropes of the AWS environment in a non-production scenario.

More than half (62%) of recent survey respondents say they have experienced stalled or slower-than-expected cloud migration. Most believe the delay in cloud migration is primarily due to unanticipated skills gaps (41%).

Does cloud save money? The short answer is yes. The longer form answer is that yes, but it depends upon the foundation you’ve empowered in the cloud for the rest of the business to run on.

When selecting your cloud migration type, remember the importance of aligning it with your overall cloud and digital transformation strategy.

AWS cost optimization is the process of examining and correcting existing conditions within the AWS environment to better fit within a predetermined budget.