AWS Savings Plans are an easy cost-saving feature that can provide optimization in exchange for a commitment to a particular level of usage.

AWS Savings Plans are an easy cost-saving feature that can provide optimization in exchange for a commitment to a particular level of usage.

Cloud cost management requires unique expertise in the realm of cloud architecture, and often cloud teams either don’t have the skills on staff or are too busy to focus on the technical and operational processes necessary to control and reduce costs. This issue, coupled with complex billing and lack of visibility into spending trends can result in sprawled workloads, stalled migrations and eroded confidence in cloud strategies.

The simple truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all cloud adoption strategy that works for everyone. Fitness is a great analog for cloud adoption. To get fit, we must eat well and exercise. But the types of food we eat and training we undertake has many varying factors.

InterVision executed the DRaaS solution to AWS, then tested it for verification. It has given them confidence in recovery, freed up their IT team to focus on other priorities, and has enabled the ability to scale as the company grows.

Traditional norms were no doubt disrupted in 2020, which makes 2021 predictions a big question mark of how things will evolve. As we reflect on lessons learned from 2020, one commonality among those we saw thrive is that being prepared for the uncertain means pivoting your company toward a stance that emphasizes agility, speed and security.

As stay-at-home measures have accelerated the need for production workflows that can be performed remotely, DirecTV has delivered for its workforce and led the industry in overcoming this challenge.

This project was an example of CMLA is action: The client benefits from reduced IT infrastructure cost, faster availability to student data, and greater security.

Confidence in your AWS services provider is crucial to the migration process and operations thereafter. And confidence in a provider is built over time, with alignment to your IT team and company in an understanding of your objectives both now and for the future.

The client and AWS were extremely impressed with InterVision’s pace and ability to herd multiple activities into a cohesive momentum for cloud migration, so the project could hit its deadline with a quality rollout.