Status Go: Ep. 162 – The Digital Experience

To flourish in the digital age, business must be focused, maniacally focused, on the experience, the customer experience, the employee experience, the user experience, the partner experience, and even the prospect experience. It requires a shift of mindset. We must be able to put ourselves in the shoes of the persons interacting with our organization, no matter their perspective. Author Charles Araujo is leading the charge into the Digital Experience. In our conversation, Charlie takes us through the Digital Experience Value Engine, the Experience Technology (ExTech) Landscape, and describes a new executive focus called the Digital Experience Officer (DXO).

Charles Araujo is a technology analyst and internationally recognized authority on the Digital Enterprise, the Digital Experience, and the Future of Work. Researching Digital Transformation for over 10 years, he is now focused on helping leaders transform their organizations around the digital experience and to reimagine the future of work. Publisher and principal analyst of The Digital Experience Report, founder of The Institute for Digital Transformation, co-founder of The MAPS Institute, and author of three books, he is a sought-after keynote speaker and advisor to technology companies and enterprise leaders.

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