The truth of the matter is, transformation of any kind is about people. Even digital transformation is more about the people than anything else–technology included. Lean in as Ron West shares his insights.

There are a lot of aspects that IT leaders must consider when formulating their digital strategies for 2019 and beyond. A few of these aspects are outlined in the second episode of InterVision’s newly-launched podcast, Status Go—in which host Jeff Ton welcomes Isaac Sacolick, President of StarCIO and author of Driving Digital, to discuss a wide range of topics from Artificial Intelligence (AI) to proper Data Governance.

Having lead IT teams at the state, local and federal level, Aleta Jeffress lends us her expertise on Digital Transformation and effective leadership principles required for change management and challenging the status quo.


Explore Intervision with Saam Fouladgar, Regional Manager.

Some IT departments are strapped for resources and may be tempted to take shortcuts in implementing and managing their IT disaster recovery plans – which puts companies at major risk. To prevent making these mistakes yourself, it’s important to learn from others’ failures.

Cyber incidents using third parties as an attack vector are driving an increase in cybersecurity and governance audits across many industries. If your organization is overwhelmed with concerned clients, this white paper offers four tips for responding to these concerns.