Status Go: Ep. 143 – 2022 Predictions | IT Leadership Development

This week we begin our 2022 Predictions series. Everyone loves a good prediction. They are also notoriously provocative, helping set a tone or a foundation and get us critically thinking – whether we agree with them or not. While none of us have a crystal ball, the experts on our InterVision predictions panel are taking the information they have at hand as well as their immense experience and distilled it down to some very compelling thoughts for 2022.  Some of these things will, no doubt, play out this year and in contrast some of these are really big ideas of which the building blocks will be laid this year and in years to come.   

We start this series off with Jeff Ton, Strategic IT Advisor. Now Jeff IS the familiar voice you hear week to week. Hosting Status Go is just one of many ways Jeff lends his talents and expertise to InterVision; he was also featured in our On Demand Webinar series (Data Protection Strategies Leveraging Cloud and Jumpstarting your cloud journey); you’ll see his byline on several Forbes Technology Council articles. And last, but certainly not least, Jeff is the author of two books: Amplify Your Value – Leading IT with Strategic Vision and Amplify your Job Search – strategies for finding your dream job. He joins us on this episode to discuss new leadership skills that are necessary now and in the future. 

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