Status Go: Exploring SD-WAN

Episode 14: Exploring SD-WAN

There’s been a lot of attention around SD-WAN over the last year or two and in this episode of Status Go, Jeff Ton, SVP of Product Development & Strategic Alliances, and Kevin Van Mondfrans, Senior Director of Product Management, are cutting through all of the hype and getting right to the “what” and “why” of SD-WAN.  As Kevin states, “If you aren’t thinking of this technology as mainstream yet, you will soon, because the market is ready for it.”

Jeff and Kevin take you through how SD-WAN impacts today’s networking engineer, use cases and business benefits.  They’ll also dig into how the market is adapting to this technology and when you should start considering it.  Hint: now.

As Senior Director of Product Management, Kevin Van Mondfrans leads product and business planning for InterVision’s portfolio of managed IT services, managed security services, and collaboration services.

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