InterVision continuously tests its own resiliency in various formats on an ongoing basis, but our latest DR simulation was the most important test of the year.
As you go through the purchasing process, you’re going to have questions. We want to help you understand all the information you can, so you make the most informed decision.
Choosing the right DRaaS provider for a secure business environment can be tricky, especially if you’re an organization covered by HIPAA and HITECH regulations.
Here are five worst-case pitfalls to avoid in your disaster recovery plan, so you can ensure a smooth and effective recovery of your most crucial data and IT systems.
Security is of upmost importance in the financial industry, and it’s not easy. While some tasks may fall to the bottom of your never-ending to-do list when time and resources are limited, security simply cannot.
If you’re responsible for planning your company’s disaster recovery, or involved at all in the buying process, the following are terms that you will hear often. This blog post will cover everything you need to know from top to bottom.
If you’ve decided to protect your data and recover your applications, one of the first steps is making sure you can properly replicate your data to your recovery site.
InterVision conducted a DR assessment for PCC and determined that the legacy offsite tape backup strategy for all of PCC’s data could be dramatically improved by embracing the AWS cloud. Prior to implementing the new solution, it would have taken PCC days and possibly weeks to back up and restore its datacenter and applications, costing them hundreds of hours to complete the effort. With the new AWS/Commvault back-up and restore solution, PCC can quickly and easily restore its entire datacenter in a relatively short amount of time and staff effort.
MCCCD had state-of-the-art on-premise technology and a strong IT team to manage the district’s local datacenter. However, being a southern California-based college, MCCCD’s datacenter and applications were deemed vulnerable and difficult to recover from potential disasters. MCCCD contracted with InterVision to conduct a thorough assessment of its current datacenter and DR preparedness. InterVision delivered of a robust AWS environment supporting multi-site DR, pilot-light DR, and backup-restore DR architecture. This has allowed MCCCD to reach their business continuity and disaster recovery goals.
CDTFA engaged InterVision for a solution to meet their unique DR and data storage needs for the AWS cloud. Instead of a one-size-fits all approach, InterVision provided a multi-level storage solution based on how frequently the data would be accessed.
InterVision has compiled a list our 7 best IT disaster recovery (IT-DR) resources, in no particular order. We think they are the best starting point for building a strong IT resiliency strategy that both emphasizes data protection and fast recovery for a wide swathe of disruptions.