Whether you’re looking to utilize the cloud for disaster recovery, considering a cloud migration, concerned about security or want to leverage the power of machine learning, it can be difficult to find all the information needed to make an educated decision. For this reason, InterVision has compiled a list of our 7 best cloud resources. We think they are necessary in building a strong foundation for migrating, analyzing, and maintaining your cloud strategies.

CDTFA engaged InterVision for a solution to meet their unique DR and data storage needs for the AWS cloud. Instead of a one-size-fits all approach, InterVision provided a multi-level storage solution based on how frequently the data would be accessed.

Sometimes businesses may run into operational inefficiencies in AWS that lead to out-of-control spending. Cost optimization is a critical, continual process of refinement and improvement over the entire IT lifecycle. For those in AWS looking to optimize their cloud environment, this guide is an essential read.