7 Best Disaster Recovery Resources for Building a Resiliency Plan

7 Best Disaster Recovery Resources for Building a Resiliency Plan

By Daniel Lassell | June 11, 2020

In an era with rising remote workforces, flexibility, accessibility and proper security are essential to keeping business operations running. To prevent data exposure and threats of downtime no matter the location, companies must have a strong IT disaster recovery (DR) plan, regularly tested and able to evolve as the business evolves.

To help you in your own resiliency planning, InterVision has compiled a list our 7 best IT disaster recovery (IT-DR) resources, in no particular order. We think they are the best starting point for building a strong IT resiliency strategy that both emphasizes data protection and fast recovery for a wide swathe of disruptions.

PODCAST: Developing a Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Runbook

While possibly the least favored task among IT departments, a well written and up to date Runbook is crucial to restoring mission-critical IT functions without major losses in revenue or business operations during a failure. This podcast episode walks listeners through the essential components of any well-architected DR runbook. Listen here.

GUIDE: 6 Worst Practices for IT Disaster Recovery

Some IT departments are strapped for resources and may be tempted to take shortcuts in implementing and managing their IT disaster recovery plans – which puts companies at major risk. To prevent making these mistakes yourself, it’s important to learn from others’ failures. In this guide, readers learn the do’s and don’ts of creating and managing a DR plan. Download here.

WEBINAR: DRaaS: Comparing Public and Hosted Cloud Targets

In this webinar, you will learn how to select the right target location for your DRaaS solution, comparing and contrasting the different options available in the marketplace. Watch here.

BLOG POST: BaaS vs. DRaaS: 3 Key Differences to Know

This blog post helps readers understand the two “as a Service” solutions for BaaS and DRaaS, delving into their key differences and areas of emphasis. Having a holistic perspective of your business needs, knowing what assets need to be protected, how they should be protected and how fast the recovery process needs to be will ultimately help you determine which you need. Read here.

WHITE PAPER: Resolving Ransomware Incidents with DRaaS

Security is of upmost importance, no matter your industry or type of business. With ransomware threats becoming more commonplace, this white paper helps readers with tips to mitigate such an attack by using DRaaS. Download here.

SUCCESS STORY: Selecting DRaaS: Taylor Porter’s Journey to a Stronger IT Stance

In this client case study, learn about this law firm’s journey to DRaaS and why they selected InterVision as their partner when they were pressed to prove their recovery capabilities.

DIGITAL ASSET: The Ultimate Guide to DRaaS

For readers that want an end-to-end resource for all things DRaaS, from understanding the three types of DRaaS to securing leadership buy-in, this guide is the perfect one-stop. Read here.


Strategizing with an Eye on the Future

It can be difficult to see through the noise when planning for business continuity. However, developing a robust DR plan is critical not just to the protection of assets but the ongoing livelihood of your business. If you have questions about strengthening your company’s IT resiliency, feel free to reach out to us for a conversation.

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