Status Go: Establishing Executive Presence

Episode 18: Establishing Executive Presence

We’ve all experienced that person in the room who completely draws our attention.  Maybe it is the keynote speaker, maybe it is a client or even one of your co-workers, but there is something compelling about them that you can’t quite put your finger on.  That thing is their presence.  And according to Alexandra Rufatto-Perry, who helps leaders command rooms they enter and tell the stories they need to tell, presence is the set of interpersonal skills you possess allowing you to come across as confident and not arrogant.

As IT Leaders become increasingly visible and solidify their seat at the table as crucial business enablers, presence will be more important than ever.  Listen now as Alex sits down with Jeff Ton to break down the crucial components of presence and steps you can take to immediately up your game.

Alexandra Rufatto-Perry is the owner and CEO of Practically Speaking, LLC, which helps executives and their leadership teams develop the communication skills necessary to command rooms and deliver captivating messages. Alex is a highly-acclaimed motivational speaker, facilitator, and mentor, using strategies she learned in nearly two decades of studying powerful communication in workplace settings. She is a nationally certified Speech Language Pathologist, has a background in adult neurology and emotional intelligence and is an EQ-I 2.0 certified administrator. Most importantly, Alex blends her scientific approach to executive presence and public speaking with her love of storytelling, laughter, and humor into her professional development work with individual clients and corporate teams alike. Meet Alex and learn more at

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