Cloud Service Providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) are not directly regulated by HIPAA and HITECH, however they do need to meet strict federal data-security standards that align with the HIPAA Security Rule.

With so many new announcements at 2021’s AWS re:Invent, it is difficult to summarize them all here with justice, so I thought it might be fun to offer a quick recap of my observations at the conference this year.

Simply put, the term “cloud computing” refers to data processing services delivered by technology providers through the Internet.

Cybersecurity in the cloud is a concern to the healthcare industry, so partners must know the industry to minimize risk.

Businesses turn to DRaaS to ensure cloud resiliency from disruptions; harnessing the cloud in times of an outage. Geo-diversity is one of several factors that harden organizations’ resiliency. Read more …

InterVision has announced the addition of three senior vice presidents to help the company accelerate growth and drive increased customer value to meet the evolving challenges of modern business.

What you need to know: This Buyer’s Guide to UCaaS and CCaaS will help you navigate The Communications Revolution by sharing tips to selecting the best solution for your desired outcome.

Cloud resiliency relies upon strategic alignment in a fast-evolving threat landscape, protecting assets against exposure and downtime.