Status Go: Thriving Amidst Unprecedented Times

Episode 57: Thriving Amidst Unprecedented Times

In this special edition Status Go episode, there is no one better than Dave Linn to talk about how to lead through, and even embrace, the unprecedented state we are all in.  Dave wears many hats; he is a college professor, consults business leaders on soft-skills, provides an inclusive and unique opportunity for charity fundraising, and serves as chief purpose officer for a marketing agency (we are not sure when he sleeps!).  Lastly, and possibly most pertinent to this particular conversation, Dave has been dubbed #TheGratitudeDude, stemming from not only the workshops he’s created, but the manner in which he conducts his own life and the way he gives back.

Dave sits down with Jeff Ton to discuss how to move through this new normal, mainly by extending grace, focusing on our values and expressing, of course, gratitude.

Dave Linn “The Gratitude Dude” is business leader, entrepreneur, and a college & grad school professor, who doesn’t just “believe” that ordinary people can change the world, he KNOWS it. As co-founder and COO of The Generosity Series, he has helped 140+ Charity Partners raise more than $12M for mission. As Chief Purpose Officer of Advantages, an Inc. 500 global branding and marketing firm, he focuses on guiding business leaders to uncover, identify with, and lead from their personal and communal strengths, values and purpose.

A husband, father, grandfather, educator, nonprofit board member, creator, purveyor & recycler of corny-jokes, and beer & coffee snob, Dave’s Gratitude Works(hops) transform lives and business cultures. Dave is a Certified Facilitator of the 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, and holds Professional Certificates in The Science of Happiness and The Foundations of Happiness at Work from UC Berkeley. His Personal Purpose statement is: To give to and share with others so that, together, we’re greater than our biggest challenges.

Dave believes, business is personal.  He facilitates the Congruense quarterly, “Un-Confernece” and on-site workshops to educate and guide current and aspiring business leaders to become better by cultivating soft skills, including gratitude, wellness and self-awareness.

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