What is AWS Cost Optimization?

Increasingly, companies are embarking on cloud journeys to AWS. This shift in the business landscape means that companies are also seeking to improve their workloads and data storage for AWS cost optimization, leveraging the best possible stance for competitiveness. Having an AWS environment cost optimized allows an organization to fully leverage the benefits of the cloud, such as scalability, agility, flexibility, and security, to name a few. But, with challenges surrounding cost visibility, sprawl and wasted resources, difficult-to-understand pricing and billing, governance control, incorrectly sized deployments, and inaccurate forecasting; it’s no wonder so many businesses are finding it hard to embrace AWS in the way they had intended.

AWS cost optimization is the process of examining and correcting existing conditions within the AWS environment to better fit within a predetermined budget. This process includes a specific focus on the uniqueness of the AWS cloud and its features that come native for users that allow a business to supercharge cost savings wherever possible. The problem is that too few organizations know where and how to harness these native tools and resources. Additionally, there are several add-ons from partner technologies that could further improve cost predictability and control.

Strategies for AWS Cost Optimization

When a company intends to optimize their AWS cloud cost, there are three key areas of needed attention: 1) architecture, 2) FinOps, and 3) governance controls. Here are three blog posts that explain the concepts more in detail:

  1. How Do I Reduce My AWS Costs? Optimizing Architecture
  2. How Do I Reduce My AWS Costs? Utilizing Savings Plans
  3. How Do I Reduce My AWS Costs? Implementing Governance Controls

These three areas are foundational to a company’s ability to begin saving in the AWS cloud. In addition to these tactics for AWS cost optimization, it’s critical to establish a culture centered around ongoing cost savings, which can be a challenge when a business is accustomed to an on-premises approach to IT operations. This is where advice from a third-party expert and your peers in the industry can be of help.

InterVision’s Cloud Cost Optimization Service

InterVision is proud to offer a Cloud Cost Optimization Service, which aims to help midsize and enterprise organizations create the most ideal AWS environment for their business goals. With an SLA-backed guarantee to identify 30% or more savings on monthly AWS costs (restrictions apply, contact us), this service delivers more savings for clients than any other offering in the market.

Benefits of InterVision’s Cloud Cost Optimization Service:

  • Access Guaranteed Savings: Reduce AWS service costs by 30% or more
  • Realize Near Immediate ROI: Get savings within the first month with our quick start process
  • Offload Cost Management Burdens: Relieve your high-demand cloud staff from complex cost management tasks
  • Create an Optimized Foundation: Establish a strategy for ongoing savings for your cloud adoption

To learn more about InterVision’s cloud offerings and services, reach out to us here.

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