A Ransomware Scenario The story is all too common: a low-level employee receives an email offering a new product or...
Is your business prepared for the possibility of a ransomware attack? Information technology makes doing business more efficient; most organizations...
Ransomware protection works through a combination of best practices, expertise and technology that ready a business to prevent, detect, and...
We wish protecting against ransomware was as easy as installing antivirus software on your system. Unfortunately, having antivirus as the...

The danger of ransomware and other cyber-attacks will always be present. It is an ongoing battle and part of your business strategies should involve cybersecurity.

Integrating cloud-based communication and contact center services is crucial for educators seeking to help their institutions flourish in this competitive academic landscape.

NIST is helping organizations develop and implement effective cybersecurity programs through its five functional pillars: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover.

At a high level, the AWS business solutions can be broken out into four foundational services: Savings, Security, Compliance and DRaaS Development Operations.

Cloud, Cloud, Cloud! It’s everywhere and everyone wants to get to it. But where is it? What is it? And why does everyone want to get there so fast?

The modern contact center is the main source of interaction between an organization and its customers, and a primary driver of a positive customer experience. Contact centers handle communication across multiple channels like telephone, web, chat, texts, email, messaging apps, social media.