A Virtual Datacenter is a pool of cloud infrastructure resources designed specifically for enterprise business needs. Those resources include compute, memory, storage and bandwidth.

In the fifth podcast episode of InterVision’s Status Go, attorney, CEO and founder of Doxly, joins host Jeff Ton to talk about the ever-growing pressures on law firms to secure sensitive information and automate their daily practice responsibilities, which helps them compete in the modern landscape of legal representation.

What can companies do to guard their data against exposure? Here we share three quick tips on how to improve your security posture.

As businesses continue to evolve in this era of digital transformation, so has the threat landscape. An asymmetry of cyber threats requires more security resources, awareness, and technology. These are the cybersecurity threats we think are high priority in 2020.

As we settle into new ways of working remotely, it is crucial for company IT leadership to manage their workforce in terms of security, communications, and applications being used. Since employees are not able to use the network and applications previously available from being in office, and security risks are peaking, it has become crucial to continue updating these strategies and technologies to reflect the changing times we are living in.

InterVision has compiled a list our 7 best IT disaster recovery (IT-DR) resources, in no particular order. We think they are the best starting point for building a strong IT resiliency strategy that both emphasizes data protection and fast recovery for a wide swathe of disruptions.

To ensure a successful and smooth transition to AWS, it’s best to understand the full picture of your technology and business interdependencies, and the value that managed services can bring your IT staff.

InterVision has partnered with Strategic Blue and major organizations like AWS and UC San Diego to fight COVID-19 by delivering cloud migrations to companies that need fast transitions to a more accessible, flexible and scalable virtual environment for workloads, data storage and daily technology operations.

Multi-cloud environments can unleash a host of management challenges. Cloud solutions architect Jacob Picart offers advice on making multi-cloud work.

There is a plethora of reasons why an organization may still be running these older operating systems, but as any respectable security practitioner will say, applying patches is the first line of defense against network-based threats.

There have been huge strides in technology innovation over the past decade, making data retention faster, more reliable and effective. Two solutions that have emerged are Backup as a Service (BaaS) and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). Here are a few key differences to know.