The cloud has become the cornerstone of modern business infrastructure, a non-negotiable asset in the digital age. Yet, as the...
The cloud computing revolution is in full swing, and businesses are rapidly migrating their operations to this dynamic environment. Managing...
Who remembers Clippy (1996-2007)? You know, the paperclip-with-eyes that would pop up within Microsoft Word, eager to help you complete...
InterVision's comprehensive approach to business resiliency combines High Availability (HA) and Disaster Recovery (DR) strategies to ensure continuous operational continuity...
Business continuity is non-negotiable, as downtime can lead to significant financial losses and damage to reputation. As an integral component...
InterVision's ConnectIV CX for 311, powered by Amazon Connect, is a cloud-based contact center platform designed to improve municipal non-emergency...
InterVision's ConnectIV CX for 311, powered by Amazon Connect, revolutionizes civic service engagement with a comprehensive omnichannel accessibility approach, featuring...
Government agencies face challenges in providing efficient 311 services. ConnectIV CXTM uses AI to turn these challenges into opportunities. Key...