Status Go: Igniting Sustainable Change

Episode 13: Igniting Sustainable Change

Jason Barnaby, Tribe Leader and Chief Fire Starter at Fire Starters Inc., joins Jeff Ton, SVP of Product Development and Strategic Alliances, to talk about his vision: fighting “stuckedness” by sparking A-HA moments that ignite sustainable change in behavior and culture–especially when daring the status quo.

It is an exciting time to be in the technology industry, the evolution is continuous and the opportunities are endless, but this also brings about rapid change and complex challenges requiring great leadership.  The phrase “you have to get comfortable being uncomfortable” has never been more fitting.

In order find this sweet spot of discomfort and to create sustainable change in behavior and culture, Jason says it is crucial to build the right tribe and to do so with intention. Listen now as Jason takes you through the basics of constructing your tribe, outlining the 7 essential members and the 3 fundamental stages.

Jason Barnaby specializes in igniting sustainable change in individuals and corporations.  A 20-year veteran of the adult education world, he has taught in universities around the world—much of that alongside a 10-year career in the financial services industry. In the Spring of 2018, he launched a business he’d been planning for over 20 years.

He is Tribe Leader and Chief Fire Starter for Fire Starters Inc.— whose mission is to work with individuals and corporations as they challenge the barriers of fear, build a tribe of supporters and find success in their original design.  Jason thrives in settings where he can be part of facilitating A-HA moments and the power that comes from those experiences. He proudly wears the Performance Index label of “Maverick” and is a 7 (or Enthusiast) on the Enneagram.

Outside of professional pursuits he is a devoted husband of 21 years, a proud father of 3, church music leader, and, along with his wife, a certified group fitness instructor.

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