Status Go: SD-WAN and Beyond

Episode 37: SD-WAN and Beyond

In Status Go episode #14, Kevin Van Mondfrans, InterVision’s Senior Director of Product Management, walked us through SD-WAN — what it is, what it does for your business and the overall state of the market.  Today, with the help of our guest, Paul Randlesome, Global Vice President of Value Management at Silverpeak, we peel back a few more layers toward understanding SD-WAN.  Paul sits down with InterVision’s Jeff Ton, to discuss the business drivers behind SD-WAN, determining the right time the make a move, and what to look for in terms of future capabilities.

Paul leads the Value Management group at Silver Peak. His team works with customers to determine the value of investing in SD-WAN and collaborates with executives to understand and quantify the business drivers in order to build the business case.  He also works with customers to understand the value of SD-WAN realized post deployment. Paul has more than a decade of experience working in enterprise software for companies such as SAP, Infor and OpenText.

Silver Peak’s Customer Value Assessment


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