Dive into the world of cloud technology in the real estate and property management space with Troy Collison, Weinstein Properties CIO.
George Finney, author of “The Zero Trust Project,” discusses the ins and outs of this powerful security approach.
ChatGPT, an AI language model, talks about the types of AI, how the industry is still in the early stages of development, and ethical considerations in AI development.
Ben Pippenger, Chief Business Development and Strategy Officer at Zylo, discusses startling data from the 2023 SaaS Management Index Report.
Matthew Burrows, President of SkillsTX and a member of the SFIA Council, discusses the skills needed in the information age.
With Saam Fouladgar, we explore the state of technology from the other side of the desk – the perspective of a sales professional.
Jonathan Lerner, InterVision CEO and President, shares his story of the last four years in tech, where we have been, and where we are going.
Leadership Coach Paul Sylvester was once a successful CIO, but that changed when he had to have a surgery that caused him to reevaluate life.
Kanul Tayal, Digital Strategy Director for Cummins, defines innovation and discusses how it is fostered in a 100-year-old company.
DAXEOS Founder & CEO, Mike King, dives deep into what digital transformation really is and, more importantly, what it’s not.
Institute for Digital Transformation Fellow, John Thorp, addresses the high rate at which IT projects have been failing for decades.
Institute for Digital Transformation Chief Scientist, Dr. Frank Granito, discusses the ingredients for a successful digital transformation.