Infrastructure Reconditioning Company Transforms Resiliency with Investments in Services


Infrastructure Reconditioning Company Transforms Resiliency with Investments in Services

About the Company

A leader in infrastructure and pipeline reconditioning, the company has products and services that serve multiple industries such as oil & gas, municipality, mining, and industrial. Their products protect against the corrosion of industrial pipelines and their services rehabilitate and strengthen water, wastewater, energy, and mining piping systems as well as buildings, bridges, tunnels and waterfront structures.

The Vision and Challenge

After realizing they had underinvested in IT, the company sought to empower their IT department more, given an increased reliance on technology to grow and evolve for the future. Having a small core IT team that was unable to address strategic initiatives due to a challenging tactical workload, one of the key areas identified for improvement was IT disaster recovery (DR), backup, and network resiliency.

Their DR solution needed simplification and better management of backups for faster recovery after a disruption. Critical applications would have taken days to weeks to recover from an event, and legacy process, facilities, and people were required for DR to be effective. In addition, lack of segmentation across the IT ecosystem had created a security risk, so providing redundancy, increasing bandwidth, and centralized management was a must.

The Outcome

InterVision’s team challenged the company’s approach and opened their eyes to other options and strategies. Because they had underinvested in IT for a long time, the company agreed that in order to tackle the challenges they faced and to free up time to focus on more strategic initiatives, looking to an experienced service provider was key.

By taking the time to truly understand their business needs, service level requirements, and challenges, InterVision impressed the company. They appreciated our approach in looking at things strategically vs. tactically, especially our focus on a holistic perspective which helped to clearly translate issues for the executive and board room level. Like all customers, we were interested in helping them find ways to advance their business as a strategic partner, not just a technical solutions provider. As a result, they chose us to deliver a new networking solution, SD-WAN implementation and circuits, and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) and Backup as a Service (BaaS) to improve their DR stance.

After the implementation of these solutions, the company was happy to have a strengthened IT stance for the future. Now they have high confidence in their data protection and DR coverage given InterVision’s services supporting their backup, recovery, and testing requirements. They are also able to lean on InterVision for ongoing support and monitoring related to network resiliency with managed SD-WAN. As a result, they now have reliability to recover successfully and quickly from any disruption type, backed with InterVision’s Recovery Assurance program. Additionally, the IT team was freed up from cumbersome and time-consuming maintenance projects to focus on strategic, transformational efforts.

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