Status Go: Kari’s Law

Episode 86: Kari’s Law

In 2013, Kari Hunt was attacked and killed by her estranged husband in a hotel room.  While Kari was being attacked, her 9 year old daughter attempted to call 911 four times, but didn’t realize she had to dial “9” to call outside of the hotel.  Kari’s Law, which went into effect on February 17th, 2020, ensures that 911 can be dialed direct from any phone system.  InterVision’s own, Otto Sanchez, Director of Professional Services – Collaboration, joins Jeff Ton to discuss exactly who this new law applies to, what the new requirements are and what it will take for organizations to be in compliance.  Jeff and Otto also cover the Ray Baum Act, which mandates a dispatchable location be sent whenever possible.

Otto Sanchez as a certified engineer and technical leader, has lead the Collaboration practice for nine years at InterVision as Director of Engineering.

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