Recording of the live discussion, presentation and demo of AWS AppStream 2.0 with guest speaker Brian Orlauski, Dean of IT at Mt. San Jacinto College – enabling a remote workforce from in two days.
InterVision Achieves AWS Migration Competency Status | Achievement follows strategic service provider’s honor as an AWS Premier Partner
To ensure a successful and smooth transition to AWS, it’s best to understand the full picture of your technology and business interdependencies, and the value that managed services can bring your IT staff.
John McMillan joins Kevin Van Mondfrans to discuss the main challenges companies face when making the transition to cloud infrastructure and how to address them.
InterVision Launches AWS Managed Services Offering to Propel Cloud Adoption | InterVision collaborates with AWS to deliver new enterprise cloud solution
InterVision has partnered with Strategic Blue and major organizations like AWS and UC San Diego to fight COVID-19 by delivering cloud migrations to companies that need fast transitions to a more accessible, flexible and scalable virtual environment for workloads, data storage and daily technology operations.
Multi-cloud environments can unleash a host of management challenges. Cloud solutions architect Jacob Picart offers advice on making multi-cloud work.
There is a plethora of reasons why an organization may still be running these older operating systems, but as any respectable security practitioner will say, applying patches is the first line of defense against network-based threats.
In this episode John Gray and Alicia Gaba discuss the most crucial factors for cloud migration success.