Considering Disaster Recovery as a Service? This guide provides a business-focused perspective on IT recovery and how to leverage DRaaS to meet your availability requirements.

When it comes to ransomware, no company is invincible to an attack. Even if you have safety measures in place,...
The need for Ransomware Protection as a Service® (RPaaS®) is greater now than ever. The FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center...
Ransomware data recovery is the process of returning to standard operations after a ransomware attacker has successfully encrypted or locked...
By now we've all heard various news reports describing the horrific aftermath of ransomware attacks. With an onslaught of new...

We explore some of the challenges, opportunities, and trends Michael Mover, CIO of Riverview Health, has seen in the healthcare industry.

The top two defenses against ransomware are raising awareness through regular education and a comprehensive ransomware protection service. In fact,...
The Role of CCaaS in a Ransomware Attack A ransomware attack can impact your organization in many ways. Communications, operations,...
All businesses–from small, family-owned to multinational corporations–can be targets of ransomware attacks. According to the National Cybersecurity Alliance, ransomware attacks...
A Ransomware Scenario The story is all too common: a low-level employee receives an email offering a new product or...