Tim Crawford, Strategic CIO and Advisor at AVOA, sits down with Jeff Ton, of InterVision, to discuss a variety of topics; everything from the virtues of social media to breaking down barriers through podcasting and even Tim’s experience as an expert witness. 

Jamie joins Jeff Ton, SVP of Product Development and Strategic Alliances, on this episode of Status Go to talk about his digital transformation journey: the core and the compass, being people. 

Lou Lenz, Professor of Practice, returns to discuss Indiana University’s School of Informatics and Computing and the department of Human Centered computing, where, as Lou states, “It’s really about humanizing data.”

In this episode Lou and Jeff take us through the evolution of design thinking over the last 36 years, they discuss the root of fundamentally good design and explore the type of true collaboration among teams and even adjacent industries necessary to carry out a needle moving product or solution.

Jamie Lee, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, and Kevin Barker, Senior Director, come together to alleviate fears around the implementation of a hybrid cloud strategy.