Status Go: Upleveling Team Development

Episode 64: Upleveling Team Development

The popularity of The Enneagram, is partially due to the depth of explanation it provides for not only someone’s behavior, but the why behind their behavior, as our guest Rachel Pritz, Leadership Consultant and Certified Enneagram Guide, explains.  Rachel’s path started out in nursing before she transitioned to managing a team in Healthcare Informatics where she served to bridge the gap between the clinicians and the IT team.  Today, she has found herself, somewhat surprisingly she admits in this conversation with Jeff Ton, coaching predominantly male, IT organizations.  Listen now as Rachel dissects the ways The Enneagram serves to uplevel team development and help individuals gain the coveted soft skills required to communicate, engage and ultimately advance the overall business objectives from a technological perspective.

Rachel Pritz is a nurse by training and former leader in Health IT. Through her own growth journey, she started to recognize that organizations won’t reach their full potential if the people running them aren’t emotionally intelligent. This ah-ha inspired her to become a Certified Life Coach and Certified Enneagram Guide. She now helps clients and teams get clear on who they are authentically and build positive working relationships both personally and professionally.

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