White Paper: Closing the Gaps in your Ransomware Strategy

Ransomware attacks are a matter of when, not if. 

Preventing an attack from ever impacting your data and systems is the best outcome, but a singular focus on prevention can lead to gaps in your ransomware strategy, leaving your organization vulnerable. Two common solutions are Security as a Service and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), but few solution providers have connected the dots between the two.

InterVision has combined its DRaaS and security services into one comprehensive Ransomware Protection as a Service® (RPaaS®). Our solution addresses an organization’s broader IT security and disaster recovery requirements while closing the gaps in its clients’ ransomware protection and recovery strategies.

In this whitepaper, we’ll examine the current ransomware threat landscape and how you can mitigate those risks with a comprehensive ransomware strategy that covers both prevention and recovery.


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