Status Go: The Social CIO

Episode 28: The Social CIO

Tim Crawford, Strategic CIO and Advisor at AVOA, is among the Top 100 most social CIOs (#7), so when asked what factors he feels differentiates elite CIOs, it’s no surprise that relationship building is at the top of the list, reminding us, “you have to look beyond the core of what you do — relationships mean everything.”   Tim sits down with Jeff Ton, SVP of Product Development and Strategic Alliances, to discuss a variety of topics — everything from the virtues of social media to breaking down barriers through podcasting and even Tim’s experience as an expert witness.  However, the main theme of the episode revolves around relationship building and not just by way of networking, but actual connection.  A real connection is the difference between a simple nod to your executive team between meetings and truly understanding what is important to them, what they need to win and how the IT organization can help get them there.

Tim Crawford is ranked as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Chief Information Technology Officers (#4), Top 100 Most Social CIOs (#7), Top 20 People Most Retweeted by IT Leaders (#5) and Top 100 Cloud Experts and Influencers.

Tim is a strategic CIO & advisor that works with large global enterprise organizations across a number of industries including financial services, healthcare, major airlines and high-tech. Tim’s work differentiates and catapults organizations in transformative ways through the use of technology as a strategic lever. Tim takes a provocative, but pragmatic approach to the intersection of business and technology.

Tim is an internationally renowned CIO thought leader including Digital Transformation, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics and Internet of Things (IoT). Tim has served as CIO and other senior IT roles with global organizations such as Konica Minolta/ All Covered, Stanford University, Knight-Ridder, Philips Electronics and National Semiconductor.

Tim is also the host of the CIO In The Know (CIOitk) podcast. CIOitk is a weekly podcast that interviews CIOs on the top issues facing CIOs today.

Tim holds an MBA in International Business with Honors from Golden Gate University Ageno School of Business and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems from Golden Gate University.

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