Our guest — Denison Parking’s first CIO — Matt Belanger, tells us not only why you should marry technology and parking, but how he upleveled the Denison Parking customer experience with a total technology overhaul. 

Chris Daily, Managing Director of beLithe, talks about a different approach to agile; putting more emphasis on the individual and even applying it to business development. 

Linda Calvin and Jeff Ton discuss how educational institutions are addressing the widening skills gap, what leaders can do to find and attract the right people and ultimately, and with such a competitive industry, how to keep the people you hire.

Michael Smith, CIO American Academy of Family Physicians, discusses the thought process and timeline behind the transformation of their entire environment.

There is a plethora of reasons why an organization may still be running these older operating systems, but as any respectable security practitioner will say, applying patches is the first line of defense against network-based threats.

There have been huge strides in technology innovation over the past decade, making data retention faster, more reliable and effective. Two solutions that have emerged are Backup as a Service (BaaS) and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). Here are a few key differences to know.

Jared Nichols, The New Futurist, is here to discusses exactly how to “be an active participant rather than a passive recipient” of your own future and that of your organization; how to build agency over the outcome. 

Forbes recently did a Q&A with InterVision’s Senior Director of Strategic Solutions, Pat Spencer, about his position at InterVision, InterVision’s commitment to enterprise-wide change, and his community-based work for human empowerment. 

InterVision Hires Mike Shea as AVP, Cloud Services – Enterprise technology executive takes on new role at leading strategic service provider

As this year comes to a close, and with the Microsoft Ignite and AWS re:Invent conferences behind us, I’d like to share what I find to be the most exciting announcements from the leading cloud service providers (CSP) as it relates to your infrastructure and cloud adoption strategy. While both CSPs introduced dozens of new features and services during the past few weeks, what is most profound is their approach to bring the cloud closer to you; not just by introducing on-premise hardware but also partnering with industry transit providers to reduce latency.

At our headquarters in St. Louis, InterVision recently hosted a “Cloud Tech Day” for regional IT leaders and shared how to effectively communicate cloud strategies to executive leadership, within your IT team, and to other business units.