MCCCD had state-of-the-art on-premise technology and a strong IT team to manage the district’s local datacenter. However, being a southern California-based college, MCCCD’s datacenter and applications were deemed vulnerable and difficult to recover from potential disasters. MCCCD contracted with InterVision to conduct a thorough assessment of its current datacenter and DR preparedness. InterVision delivered of a robust AWS environment supporting multi-site DR, pilot-light DR, and backup-restore DR architecture. This has allowed MCCCD to reach their business continuity and disaster recovery goals.

InterVision conducted a DR assessment for CCCCD and determined that the legacy offsite tape backup strategy for all their data could be dramatically improved by shifting the backup and restore strategy to the AWS cloud. With their new AWS/Commvault backup and restore solution, CCCCD can now quickly and easily restore its entire datacenter in a relatively short amount of time and staff effort.

In this episode Dr. Natoshia Anderson, VP of Training and Implementation at WOZ ED, discusses the intersection of: being female, being Black and working in STEM. This is an incredibly candid conversation that dives into many issues including what it will take for a true culture shift.

In this episode Candace discusses with Alicia Gaba how the mission of an equity minded learning community shapes their overall IT strategy; not only supporting it, but propelling it through a focus on digital equity, student empowerment and an emphasis on meeting their students where they are. 

Reaping benefits of modernizing through the cloud are clear. Yet challenges prevail. Take 30 minutes to learn how InterVision has...

Chris Campbell sits down with Nicholai Piagentini to discuss everything from the original goals of VPN to enabling a more dynamic and secure environment.

Recording of the live discussion, presentation and demo of AWS AppStream 2.0 with guest speaker Brian Orlauski, Dean of IT at Mt. San Jacinto College – enabling a remote workforce from in two days.

InterVision has partnered with Strategic Blue and major organizations like AWS and UC San Diego to fight COVID-19 by delivering cloud migrations to companies that need fast transitions to a more accessible, flexible and scalable virtual environment for workloads, data storage and daily technology operations.

Dave Linn, COO of The Generosity Series, sits down with Jeff Ton to discuss how to move through this new normal, mainly by extending grace, focusing on our values and expressing gratitude.

This week, Jared Nichols, of The New Futurist, dives deeper into how to create your future, discussing the key areas where people really start seeing big results when starting this practice.

Hear the steps Pete Williams, Butler University CIO, took to become a profit generating IT department — everything from ensuring the basic blocking & tackling is covered to approaching the executive team.