Status Go welcomes Matt Walker, a mountain climber who takes leaders into the face of uncertainty, guiding them to overcome challenges in both their professional and personal life among the most difficult environments. When Matt sits down with Jeff Ton he parallels the key components of healthy and safe mountain climbing with that of solid leadership development: extreme communication and transparency, connection, comradery and interconnectedness.

To answer What’s Next? ?” Jeff Ton sits down with Brad Finkeldei, President of Career Confidence to discuss the importance of clarity as a catalyst for creating the change you want as well as the two most common themes Brad sees among IT professionals: fear and false narratives.

To answer What’s Next? ?” Jeff Ton sits down with Chris Byers, CEO of Formstack. Listen as Chris explains what motivated their shift to remote workforce, how they’ve overcome challenges and how they maintain and even elevate their culture. #StatusGo

When the COVID-19 crisis hit, people were forced home, hospitals were quickly overwhelmed, and the economy dissolved into a recession. As companies are working hard to support their employees, serve their clients and survive, IT leaders are in the forefront now more than ever.

Traditional norms were no doubt disrupted in 2020, which makes 2021 predictions a big question mark of how things will evolve. As we reflect on lessons learned from 2020, one commonality among those we saw thrive is that being prepared for the uncertain means pivoting your company toward a stance that emphasizes agility, speed and security.

As stay-at-home measures have accelerated the need for production workflows that can be performed remotely, DirecTV has delivered for its workforce and led the industry in overcoming this challenge.

The senseless killings of Black Americans in the headlines have understandably led to civic action and visible protests around the country as Americans everywhere, of all races and walks of life, are exercising their right to free speech. Worldwide, millions are now speaking out against systemic racism in our society. As a result, we are witnessing a sea of change and I wanted to take a moment to share my own recent reflections. I have been thinking of how to embrace the realities of today beyond simply condemning the crimes committed, a question we can all explore as we come together prepared to listen, learn and engage in community conversations around issues of race, fairness and equity.

As we settle into new ways of working remotely, it is crucial for company IT leadership to manage their workforce in terms of security, communications, and applications being used. Since employees are not able to use the network and applications previously available from being in office, and security risks are peaking, it has become crucial to continue updating these strategies and technologies to reflect the changing times we are living in.

In this episode of Status Go, we welcome, Curt Kwak, CIO of Proliance Surgeons. Like everyone, the scope of the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t fully sink in for Curt Kwak and his team until it was upon them, and being in Seattle, they were some of the first hit in a very real way. In his conversation with Jeff Ton, Curt tells us how his team triaged and prioritized to keep the organization up and running, how they kept from ever losing communication and continued to uphold their commitment to their community.