Joe Topinka, Founder and CEO of CIO Mentor, discusses business relationships and their fundamental necessity to IT Leaders around the world.
Mike Peck, President of Outside Source, explains the key components of a great customer experience & the four steps to creating an advocates.
Amy Brown, CEO of Authentix, and Michael Armstrong, VP of Product Innovation at Authentix, explain how they are setting the new standard for humanizing customer interaction data at scale.
Mike Charobee, founder and CEO of CYBER BUYER, discusses the why and how behind his IT communities as well as the tenets that drive success.
Whynde Kuehn, Founder and Managing Director of S2E Transformation deep dives into business architecture; the what, they why and they how.
Stefanie Krievins, Leadership Coach, why, as a leader, resilience is especially critical as we look back on 2020 and move forward in 2021.
Jennifer Carlson, Co-founder & Executive Director of the Washington Technology Industry Association (WTIA) Workforce Institute discusses their workforce development program, Apprenti.
Patrick Spencer, Managing Director of MoneyTree, takes us through their cloud journey, the stand out benefit being an increased client focus.
Varouj Seuylemezian, Senior Director of IT for the Los Angeles Unified School District discusses their cloud journey and automation of critical processes.
1E’s Founder and CEO, Sumir Karayi, presents the compelling findings. of their recent survey: Assessing IT’s readiness for the year of flexible working.
Dustin Milberg, Field CTO of Cloud Services & John Gray, CTO, lay out some of the fundamental ways you can work towards reducing cloud costs.
Ron Teeter, Vice President of Engineering at Jobvite, takes you through the timeline of their entire cloud journey and discusses the connected outcomes that came with each phase. Jobvite has gone from survival to agile to efficient. Hear exactly how Ron and his team managed this process.